Freedom Queen™

Welcome to The Influential Leader

A live course on how to dominate the internet, create standout quality content, and be an influential leader so that when you sell, everyone buys.

  • Brand: When someone lands on your feed, they are immediately judging whether or not you are the authority. The look of your feed matters. When you create high quality creative content, you will automatically standout in the marketplace. 
  • Messaging: There is another edge of your voice that wants to come out and there are ways that you're hiding behind "safe" hooks that don't represent who you really are. If you want high ticket clients then you have to speak directly to them. 
  • Sales: The way you speak in your sales copy is determining how people see you. People want to be led by you and see how your work with the way for them. If you're not positioning your work as the authority then you'll likely see your dream customer buying from other people.
  • Leadership: You want people running to your account. You want to be the industry leader. My account has always has high status not just because of my content strategy but how I see the world and lead myself. 

When you join The Influential Leader you will get:

  • The Live Courses in Telegram & 2 Live Calls 
  • The Freedom Queen Membership with a portal of trainings on Memberships, TikTok. Launching. (People have gone from $0 to their first $10K Month with these trainings)
  • ​The opportunity to apply your Influential Leadership Credit to attend our conference in September

Look inside of the FQ Membership:

Our 50 to Freedom Challenge

From my $60,000 private coaching package TO our membership clients, anyone that works with me. I onboard them by sharing them the 5 Part Freedom Queen Formula that you need to do every day to completely transform your business in a matter of 7 days.

As soon as you open up the portal, you'll go to our million dollar bingeable portal that will walk you through how to radically quantum leap your business using our 5 Part Freedom Queen Formula

Member Win within 5 Days of using the FQ Formula!

#2 Monthly Live Activation on Zoom 

By the way these calls are the same calls that other women have scaled their business to $30,000 cash months from and you get the a live Q&A call with Bridget for $222/month

These calls are where you'll learn strategies, mindset, and energetics for scaling your business. Each month there will be a new theme inside of the membership.

"Had a $3K day. So majorly celebrating that. And a $5K week! Woohoo!"
- Meenu, Meditation & Spiritual Mentor

#3 Sold Out Coaching 3 Day Course

The first launch I did was a whooping $2,000 launch. I'll never forget when I was first starting my business, I had student loans, I saw other people making $10,000 months and I knew it was possible for me.

I created the "Sold Out Coaching Launch Plan" 

I didn't have "hot" audience, I was barely showing up daily on social media, but I knew that if I gave my audience time to get to know me and hear about the offer, they'd buy.

So I did a 4 phase launch process. Inside of this 3 day course included in the membership, I breakdown how to create an offer, launch, and sell the program over 4 weeks. 

PS This led to my first $10K launch then $22,500 right after...then $35,000 and now using the same launch plan we did a $225,000 launch.

I've spent years and thousands of dollars to perfect this launch plan 

and you GET IT FOR $222/Month!

Inside of the FQ Membership you get access to an entire portal of trainings 

Gift #1 Instagram Content to Cash 5 Week Course

Going viral & getting views doesn't equal long term high cash months. Do you know what does? Writing copy that makes people go "HOW DOES SHE SPEAK LIKE THAT?" 

Inside of Instagram Content to Cash you'll get FIVE weeks worth of proven content that will present your work like the real leader you are and stand out from everyone else on the internet. Binge this program 10 times!

Gift #2 Tiktok Takeover

You can have thousands of followers on TT but not see any financial results from it. It's because you're not leveraging your story AKA the ONLY piece that makes you the authority & #2 they're not sure how what you're selling is going to add value to your clients lives. 

Inside this training I peel back the curtain on my ENTIRE TikTok strategy and how we make sales daily from just one platform. 

Gift #3 How to Build Your Own Membership Course! 

👉🏻 I launched a $9.99 membership in 2021 that how grown to a membership that has brought in over 1,000 members, and scaled my business to $100,000 cash months. 

There are key mistakes that business owners make when selling their membership and one of them is that they make a membership be a boring portal with tons of training that no one uses rather than a portal filled with reasons to stay 

(aka increasing your retention)

Gift #4 How to sell on instagram stories

Now you've learned how to create content for your feed but do you know how to sell on your instagram stories?

Inside of this training Bridget will teach you how to sell on your instagram stories, how to become someone who gets people to stay and watch your stories, and how to make sales daily from your igstories.

Monta Joined the Membership for a Year & Sold Out Her Retreat!

Hannah went from only signing on 1:1 clients to launching her membership and having 140 members in and her first $10K month!

When You Sign Up Today, You Get All Of This...

  • A New Monthly Training / Activation on Zoom on how to grow your movement! (Value $2,000) 
  • ​​Freedom Queen Formula - This is the formula that Bridget has used to this day to go from making $0 to $100K a month ($2,000 Value)
  • ​Sold Out Coaching 3 Day Course! This includes our OG 4 phase launch process to sell out your programs (even if you don't have a warm audience) ($1,000 Value)
  • ​Want to build your own membership and create recurring income? You get the Membership course! ($1,000 Value)
  • ​Instagram Content to Cash ($2,000 Value)
  • ​Gift #1: Access to the "Build Your Movement" Portal with trainings on software for your business, TikTok Sales, Meditations to Remember who you are, and how to sell on IGStories.
  • ​Gift #2: The entire FQ Community. There are hundreds of incredible visionaries inside of this space that will love & shove you to your greatness. If you're craving feeling like you belong in something bigger, this is for you. (No price tag can be put on this)

($10,000 Value)

Join Today for $222! 

"Hitting my first $5k/month while working with my soulmate clients!"
- @gobizwithme

"Having my first $5k month with such ease!!"

Frequently Asked Questions:

Q: Is there a minimum commitment?

A: There's no minimum. You can stay as long as you'd like inside of the membership. We have a very high retention rate. This not for you if you're looking to dip your toe in the water and quit on your business. 

Q: I want to build a High End Movement is this for me?

A:#We focus on building Quality over Quantity. If you want to build a long lasting movement, that makes an impact, and brings in high cash months, this is for you.

"Got 39 members enrolled in my membership in a week and half joined for 6 months🎉"

Meet Bridget!

You're here because you have a knowing in your soul that you're meant to build a million dollar movement. 

Bridget has scaled her business from $0 to $200K cash months by believing that she is meant for more, by BEING the vision, and pioneering the way.

She's obsessed with talking about how BEING is what will open the floodgates to massive wealth & impact. How communication & messaging will create transformation. 

She's not interested in being average or mediocre. She works with women that are truly extraordinary and have a no excuses mentality.

Listen to our members!

Freedom Queen

© 2024  Move & Manifest LLC